Originated in France and forked from Mandriva, The Mageia is now independent and community based project for developing a Linux based Operating System. Anne Nicolas said the released of first beta version of Mageia 2. The main new features of it are stable glibc 2.14.1, Linux Kernel 3.2.6, KDE 4.8.0, GNOME 3.3 [3.4 will be in final release], PCmanFM 0.0.10, Amarok 2.5, Cantata 0.3.0 music player etc.
It available on both 32-bit and 64-bit architecture. And comes with many desktop environment like GNOME, KDE, Xfce, LXDE, Wmaker, IceWM. Mageia is also available in server and LiveCD mode. This is non-profit organization which aims to provide best Linux operating system.